3D Scanning
NCIndustrial has the skills and equipment to recreate the original design documentation from a part’s initial production with 3D Scanning.
Our toolkit can build a project of parts or products with no drawings or documentation. By creating a digital CAD model using 3D scanning, these parts can be customized and optimized to extend their lifetime or add new functions. Generating high-quality measuring data using sensors regardless of the component environment with 0.0014-inch accuracy.
Some examples of 3D scanning projects include and are not limited to:
- Generating prints of compromised parts
- 3D model of various crusher components (liners, cheek plates, pitman assembly, wedges, wear components, etc.)
- Analyzing component wear
100 Mumford Road
Lively, Ontario P3Y 1L2
P 705-885-1600
F 705-885-1644
E sales@ncindustrial.ca
P 705-885-1600 ext. 9
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